PydSEAMSlib: python bindings for d-SEAMS#

d-SEAMS (Deferred Structural Elucidation Analysis for Molecular Simulations) is a tool for the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories which is specifically able to qualitatively classify ice structures in both strong-confinement and bulk systems Goswami et al. [IDX_GGS20]. PydSEAMSlib makes d-SEAMS user friendly and accessible to the larger Scientific Python ecosystem.


Historically, in 2023, the project was initiated under the name PySeams, which could not be registered on PyPI due to naming similarities, so the project in 2024 switched to its current name, PydSEAMSlib.


git clone
cd PydSEAMSlib

We provide a conda-lock environment:

micromamba create -f conda-lock.yml -n pyseamsdev
micromamba activate pyseamsdev

Which can then be used directly for a pip install:

# Pure bindings
pip install .
# For ASE integration
pip install .[adapters]
# With tests
pip install .[testing]
# Everything
pip install .[testing,adapters,docs]

Development local builds can be prepared via meson:

meson setup bbdir --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX --libdir=lib
meson compile install bbdir

docker installation for emulated hardware#

For arm64v8 machines, it may be easier to use the following docker image.

git clone
docker run -it dseamsdockerrecipes:latest /usr/bin/bash
git clone
cd PydSEAMSlib

Subsequently, the earlier steps can be followed.


MIT. For more details, including contribution guidelines visit the GitHub repo.



Rohit Goswami, Amrita Goswami, and Jayant K. Singh. D-SEAMS: Deferred Structural Elucidation Analysis for Molecular Simulations. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60(4):2169–2177, April 2020. doi:10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00031.


Indices and tables#