File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 bond.hppFile for bond-related analyses (hydrogen bonds, bonded atoms for data file write-outs etc.)
 bop.hppFile for the bond order parameter analysis
 bulkTUM.hppFile containing functions used specific to bulk topological unit matching (TUM) criterion
 cage.hppFile for cage types for topological network criteria
 cluster.hppFile for the bond order parameter analysis
 franzblau.hppFile for generating shortest-path rings according to the Franzblau algorithm
 generic.hppFile for containing generic or common functions
 mol_sys.hppThe main molecular system handler
 neighbours.hppHeader file for neighbour list generation
 rdf2d.hppFile containing functions used to calculate the in-plane radial distribution functions
 ring.hppFile containing common functions used by bulk and confined topological network critera
 seams_input.hppFile for functions that read in files)
 selection.hppFile containing functions used to define 'selections' in a given range, using ring information
 topo_bulk.hppFile containing functions used specific to bulk topological network critera
 topo_one_dim.hppFile containing functions used specific to quasi-one-dimensional topological network critera (the prism identification scheme)